The countdown to summer has begun! With only a few days left until the official mark of the warmest season of the year, there are a few things you should get done around the house before summer kicks off in earnest. Complete these 5 tasks sooner rather than later so you can enjoy the bright, sunny days instead of laboring in the sun.
1. Clean the Barbecue
With longer days and more sunlight, you’ll probably be eating outdoors more than usual. Give your summer meals on the deck a fresh start with a clean barbecue and meal prep area – your taste buds will be grateful.
2. Restock Your First Aid Kit
Especially if you’ll be hosting outdoor activities like badminton, pool parties, or will simply have a bunch of kids running around your yard, you’ll want to make sure your first aid kit is freshly stocked and updated. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
3. De-clutter Your Yard, Garage, and Basement
While you’re pulling out your outdoor gear from storage, take note of some items that have been there for a while without being used. Start your summer off with a little bit of extra breathing room by hiring a junk removal specialist or simply hosting a yard sale can reduce some of your clutter.
4. Clean and Repair Your Gutters
Gutters in the Pacific Northwest have a tough job. With a high volume of rainfall during the winter and a lot of natural debris, your gutters are likely getting clogged on a regular basis. Take advantage of warmer, drier weather and climb up that ladder while temperatures are still fairly reasonable.
5. Check Your Pool for Leaks
If you have a pool on your property, you’ll want prepare your water bill budget for the shock of heavy summer usage, but you’ll also want to check for leaks that may have developed over the winter. Here’s how to perform a homemade version of the test, but if you suspect you have a pool leak, you’ll want a professional for their ability to detect leaks without major excavation.
To schedule an appointment for any of your summertime leak detection needs, give Clearwater Leak Detection a call. Our advanced tools and years of experience can save you time and money and free you up to enjoy the summer sunshine to the fullest extent. Contact us today!