Not many people think much further beyond turning on their faucet on watching the water run, but exploring the intricacies and extensive nature of our water supply systems make you quickly realize just how much goes into that crystal clear glass of water in your home. Image source
Seattle’s drinking water comes from two mountain river watersheds: the Cedar River Watershed and the Tolt River Watershed. Both supply millions of gallons of water to over 1.4 million residents in the Seattle area. With over 100,000 acres of protected watershed, the water doubles as a clean, safe supply for the city and also a natural habitat for salmon, plants, and other organisms.
Two treatment plants handle all of the drinking water for Seattle, though due to the purity of the source, very little treatment is necessary compared to other major cities. Water travels through 1,800 miles of mains and pipes before it reaches your home and regular maintenance is scheduled to check for leaks and breaks in the system. While there are many moving parts involved in getting fresh, clean water to a major metropolitan community, just over 650 people maintain the water supply for nearly 1.5 million.
Moving water from a mountain source to a treatment facility, then to a city and finally to your home is a complex process, but the majority of water issues that occur actually happen on private property. Subfloor or below ground leaks are surprisingly common and staggeringly expensive if left untreated. The best way to identify and correct leaks is to contact a specialist like Clearwater Leak Detection. With state-of-the-art tools and equipment, we can quickly and easily find and fix your problem with minimal excavation or damage.
For more information about our leak detection capabilities and services, contact Clearwater Leak Detection today!